Wednesday, January 8, 2014


It is not easy to let go! We all believe that we are the reason & the cause of all that we do & experience! Partially true! It does seem that way!

All creatures existing then should experience only good because all are born the same! Does it happen so? All infants born to humanity are physically the same,but their lives & path are variant.

When we experience anything good ,we feel we deserve it! When we experience anything negative-we ask why me? Amidst these all is an underlying truth!

We love, we loose, we achieve -amidst all these is also an holy truth! Truth that we do not accept! Truth that reveals that we are just an puppet.

Some super power rules our lives. We do not accept it! We fight it! We ignore it! But there is no denying the fact that each of us are DESTINED! Destiny is the what brings us into contact with the people , place ,thing that we do come across through every phase of our journey called life.

Everything ,every person comes into our lives for a reason-a lesson or a blessing! Each amidst our own journey of self discovery & materialistic quench.

Even writing this blog has been predestined as I had no thought or idea to do so.It is an impulse that has made me do this. Someday some one might read it,at their predestined time or it could well be the destiny of this blog that no one reads it....

There is a hard self realization today that has dawned on me today ,though the same has been   reflected in thought & words periodically through the different phases of life. Realization that DESTINY is what we should understand &respect. No Ego in accepting that what we are & where we are is all part of a bigger drama & we are mere puppets.We are made to think,talk,enact what we assume to be done by us-but in reality is a miniscule role we are enacting as per the directions of some unseen, unrecognized super power.....though we do feel it fleetingly through our experiences..

Let us all realize this & pray that our roles etch out good for others associated with us ,so that like in any movie/drama-we could all feel good about the good samaritan , if not the hero/heroine of the play we are all part of....

This realisation is also flux..would continue to evolve...through times,places,people & experiences...Till then...dwelling more to seek deeper truths & quench the QUEST-Quest for..who we are? why are we here? What are we  here for?? & Where do we go..what for ......

But  an iota of realization gets etched deeper.Everything is HIS blessing!!

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